The free, monthly service is open to the public and any community member in need of food support
With the school year well underway and the need for healthy food continuing, the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNT Dallas) and the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) are partnering once again to bring a mobile food pantry to campus on Friday, Sept. 15, from 8-11 a.m. (or until the food runs out). The mobile pantry program started during the pandemic and has continued monthly to help students and the community with food insecurity.
This year, thousands of people have been served and nearly 150,000 pounds of food have been given away. Continual lines each month demonstrate an ongoing need. The free, drive-through service is open to the public and any community members in need of food support.
Participants will be asked to complete a simple intake form while remaining inside their cars. UNT Dallas volunteers will load a box of food into each person’s trunk.
Future mobile food pantries will be held Oct. 20, Nov. 17 and Dec. 15.
The UNT Dallas campus is located at 7300 University Hills Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75241. For more information, go to untdallas.edu.