Learn how to prepare taxes for free at the upcoming classes being sponsored by Jackson Hewitt Tax Services and hosted by the Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Outreach Center. Instructors from Jackson Hewitt Tax Services will present 31 hours of tax preparation information November 15 through December 15 at Frazier House, 4600 Spring Avenue.The classes will cover the fundamentals of tax preparation for which participants will receive certification of completion. Sessions will be held on Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Frazier House, except during the week of Nov. 22-26. The deadline to register is noon, November 12.To learn more about these sessions, and to register, go to www.zwhjcoc.org and click on Classes. For more information, contact Jasmine Anderson at jasmine.anderson@zwhjcoc.org.