Editorial Black Card: BIG MAMA WAS RIGHT A bought lesson is better than a told one By Terry Allen Columnist “A bought lesson is better than a told one,” is a statement that my Big Mama uttered a lot during... Garland JournalMarch 26, 2021
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama Said, “Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, they are just false prophets!” By Terry AllenColumnist Matthew 7:15 states, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” When Lucille... Garland JournalJanuary 23, 2021
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama Said Every Time You Do a Good Deed You Shine the Light a Little Farther Into the Dark.… By Terry AllenColumnist It is written… “A tree is known by the fruit it bears; and every man by his deeds. A good deed... Garland JournalJanuary 9, 2021
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama Said “Christmas is a spiritual blessing not a physical present” By Terry AllenColumnist As I opened the front door of the home my grandfather built by his own hands, Big Mama shared her standard... Garland JournalDecember 24, 2020
Editorial The Black Card: Large Challenges Require Big Strategies, Big Mama Said, It Is More Than a Notion…Watch Us Grow By Terry AllenColumnist When any of us failed to complete a chore or task completely, my grandmother, Lucille “Big Mama” Allen, taught us a... Garland JournalDecember 18, 2020
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama Said A Hard Head Makes A Soft…Let’s Flatten The Curve – Stay Home! By Terry AllenColumnist I know way too many Big Mama(s) who used to say that during my lifetime. When it was said to me... Garland JournalNovember 21, 2020
Editorial The Black Card: Don’t Intimidate Voters—Big Mama Said, “Honor Your Elders to Make Your Days Long” By Terry AllenCEO 1016 MediaFounder, Sister CEO Small Business Camp I still pay tribute to my Grandmother, lovingly known as BIG Mama. I became... Garland JournalOctober 24, 2020
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama I Don’t Eat Okra, Speaking Truth To Power! By Terry AllenCEO 1016 Media Founder, Sister CEO Small Business Camp I come from a down home country culture where back porch wisdom ruled,... Garland JournalOctober 19, 2020