Barbara Turknett Edwards is a Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor. As a keen observer of humanity, Barbara noted the growing isolation and fear among...
Hillside Prime Steakhouse was born out of a passion for exquisite cuisine and expertise in the restaurant industry. Hillside Prime venue is unparalleled when...
Endless1Ders is a store created to share products thatbring serenity, comfort, and relaxation to your personal space. Says Andre’eWilson, founder. The product provides you...
Amina Hammond’s small business story started with her passion for Howard University, her alma mater, one of the most renowned Historically Black Colleges and...
SistaVibe makes unique handmade ear ornaments and accessories. It’s located in the McKinney area. Sometimes you just need a little sunshine, or you just...
Michael Guinn-MSW is a speaker/presenter/poet. As a professionally trained and experienced life coach, emcee, mentor, and event consultant, he has the tools and understanding...
Glori Monroe is an international speaker, entrepreneur, author, and prophet. Known as The Leadership Coach. She is the coach to leaders. Her mission is...