Jizyah Injil S. MPH, CHES is a Certified Health Education Specialist, Public Health & Health Equity Champion, NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project manager and...
More than 3,000 members of The Links, Incorporated will meet to “Celebrate. Elevate. Serve.” at the organization’s 44th National Assembly being held at the...
Meet Antonio Stroman owner. The Brass Effect (TBE) is a technology and transformation that converges remarkably, in Frisco and extends their reach to nearby...
Dr. Aundrea T. Harris is the Founder and CEO of Growing Through Life International, a personal and professional development firm committed to helping women navigate...
The Goal of Duncanville Nutrition is to bring Healthy Options to the community. They offer healthy protein smoothies, energizing teas protein coffee, and positive...