NNPA NEWSWIRE — In his article, “Norfolk Shutters Historical Anti-Violence Boxing program,” businessman Joshua Clark brings attention to the loss of the boxing outlet...
Derry and her celebrated Farmers Branch restaurant, Roots Southern Kitchen, were recently announced as finalists for the prestigious James Beard Awards.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Racial Equity Impact Analysis (REIA) is the result of a year-long collaboration among gun violence prevention groups, including Cities United,...
Froswa’ Booker-Drew is leaving her position as vice president of community affairs and strategic alliances on April 15, according to an email she sent...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Heisman Trust fulfills its mission by providing funding for youth development programs. These programs are vetted and funded through partnerships...
The Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Racial Equity NOW Cohort for Non-Profits is a 10-month deep learning experience for organizations ready to grow...