Editorial THE BLACK CARD: “DON’T LET YOUR EGO BLOCK YOUR JOURNEY! HONOR THE WOMEN FIRST” By Terry Allen Hey reader family. I want to remind you that my Big Mama lessons are poured into me via the experiences by... Garland JournalOctober 9, 2021
Editorial THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: Your Eyes Have To Be Kept On The Prize! By Terry Allen I hope Lucille “Big Mama” Allen is still proud of me because I am blessed for her lessons. She would be... Garland JournalOctober 3, 2021
Editorial THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: DON’T LET THE DEVIL GET IN YOUR HEAD! By Terry Allen I love the playbook Lucille “Big Mama” Allen left for us. As a survivor of the Jim Crow era and many... Garland JournalSeptember 23, 2021
Editorial THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: BELIEVING IS TIED TO YOUR SOUL – DO NOT GIVE THE DEVIL A SEAT AT THE TABLE By Terry Allen Lucille “Big Mama” Allen would not garner much pushback as she sit on the front porch as the sunset and rewarded... Garland JournalSeptember 17, 2021
Editorial THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: Drop Your negro at the door – everybody goes on this journey By Terry Allen My Skyline High school teacher, Mrs. Lane, said that a formal education came for the people who raised you and your... Garland JournalSeptember 15, 2021
featured THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself Because Your Attitude Will Take You Far! By Terry Allen By Terry Allen We knew a lesson was about to come when Lucille “Big Mama” Allen stood in the doorway between... Garland JournalSeptember 2, 2021
Editorial THE BLACK CARD: BIG MAMA SAID: Check Yourself, Before you Wreck Yourself Because Your Attitude Will Take You Far! We knew a lesson was about to come when Lucille “Big Mama” Allen stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the “big room”... Garland JournalAugust 19, 2021
Editorial The Black Card: BIG MAMA SAID IF THE LORD SAYS THE SAME, THEN I WILL TOO By Terry Allen Like Big Mama’s more than a notion, I know so many other mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and black women who have... Garland JournalJuly 15, 2021
Editorial The Black Card: Big Mama Said: “Don’t Let Crazy Rule You! Break The Rains! Breathe And Let Go! Sometimes I think I channel the wisdom of my grandmother, Lucille “Big Mama” Allen so deeply that she is most likely smiling in heaven... Garland JournalJune 3, 2021
Editorial Black Card: BIG MAMA WAS RIGHT A bought lesson is better than a told one By Terry Allen Columnist “A bought lesson is better than a told one,” is a statement that my Big Mama uttered a lot during... Garland JournalMarch 26, 2021