Maisha Bankhead, co-owner of the Arlington Fatburger franchise, was honored to play a part in bringing Fatburger to Texas, and following in the footsteps...
Jennifer Smith is a Creative Event Planner and Lifestyle Photographer and owner of Stella Pearl Grand Events. She has worked as a Convention Services...
Let’s all say happy birthday and congratulations to Cortney. Cortney Lewis Smith is the Development Director at United Negro College Fund and she has...
Latifah Alexander is a certified Speech Language Pathologist with over a decade of experience. She has a passion for advocating, educating, and improving the...
CYNT MARSHALL For Cynt Marshall, Leadership matters! Character matters! Every voice matters! People matter! After more than 35 years in various executive positions for...
She’s every woman - smart, compassionate, loving, and dedicated. Atty. Tonya Tarpeh serves on the Board of Directors for the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center,...
Robin E. Hutchison Gordon participated in Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training and she has an impressive resume in non profit management and leadership.
Libbie is a recognized professional in nonprofit management, business development, grant writing and fund development. She has exceptional capacity in community development and building...