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Shedavi Elizabeth Davis

Spotlight Story

Meet Elizabeth Davis the creator of Shedavi haircare products designed to go from relaxed hair to natural with no chemicals, going with clean ingredients....

Vibe Black Vodka

Spotlight Story

“Vibe Black Vodka is the one & only American-made, non-flavored, Black color vodka on the planet.” Dr. Tony Reese creator and owner of Vibe...

Scotch Porter Scotch Porter

Spotlight Story

The Founder and CEO Calvin Quallis launches his Scotch Porter men’s skincare into the clean grooming solution of choice for men. Scotch Porter Restoring...

Augi Water Augi Water

Spotlight Story

Augi Water differentiates itself from other alkaline bottled water because they’re not just a bottled water brand, but everything a bottled water brand entails...

Saysh Saysh

Spotlight Story

Saysh was created by brother and sister Wes and Allyson. Allyson Felix is the most decorated track & field athlete of all time with...