JOHN CRAYTON, a beacon of kindness and discipline, breathed his last on December 3, 2024, leaving behind a tapestry of cherished memories woven with...
Trina Shantay Ballard, born on December 20, 1965, in Inglewood, California, passed away peacefully on September 20, 2024, in Dallas, Texas. Trina will be...
La Tonya Rachelle Spencer, a cherished educator and vibrant member of her community, departed this world on September 28, 2024, after a life dedicated...
Charley Roswell Howard, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, and friend passed away peacefully on September 25 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas. He...
Montrell Jamal Haggerty, a beloved warehouse worker and devoted father, passed away on September 21, 2024, in his hometown of Dallas, Texas. Born on...