The City of DeSoto has named Chris Glover as its permanent Parks and Recreation Managing Director. Glover, a 20-year veteran of DeSoto’s Parks System, had been...
By Ashley MossStaff Writer Gov. Greg Abbott has announced a plan that would block cities from raising property taxes if local governments defund local...
By Ashley MossStaff Writer Prairie View A&M Football will open its 2020 football season next February instead of this fall. Instead, the first game of...
By Allana J. BarefieldStaff Writer The Texas Workforce Commission is trying its best to help unemployed Texans. Recently, TWC applied for an extra federal...
By Allana J. BarefieldStaff Writer President Barack Obama delivered a strong speech during the Democratic National Convention. He made his presence felt through the...
By Allana J. Barefield Staff Writer The Northeast Texas Girl Scouts is coming together for their Women of Distinction event on October 30. The purpose...
By Hollywood HernandezEntertainment Reporter Washed is an independent TV series that was shot entirely in The Dallas-Fort Worth area and features an ensemble cast...
By Allana J. BarefieldStaff Writer The Democratic National Convention kicked off with a powerful keynote address from former first lady, Michelle Obama. In her...