By Jason Henderson
As temperatures drop, it’s essential to prepare for the potential health risks that come with cold weather. Whether you’re facing an unexpected cold spell or gearing up for the coldest time of the year in your region, being informed and ready can help you and your family stay safe and healthy. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for extreme cold weather.
Understanding Extreme Cold
According to a report from the U.S. Climate Program Office, extreme winter weather events are becoming more common due to climate change. These events can pose various health risks, especially if you’re not adequately prepared.
How Your Body Responds to Extreme Cold
Understanding how your body reacts to extreme cold can help you recognize potential health risks. Here’s what happens to your body in extreme cold:
- Impact on the lungs: Breathing in cold air can cause a stinging sensation in your lungs due to the contact between cold air and moist lung surfaces.
- Effect on blood flow: In response to cold, your body redirects blood flow to vital organs, reducing circulation to your extremities.
- Risk of frostbite: Frostbite occurs when skin and tissues freeze due to exposure to cold temperatures, especially in windy conditions.
Expert Tips for Staying Safe in a Blizzard
When facing a blizzard or extreme cold, follow these expert tips to stay safe:
- Dress in layers: Layering clothing helps trap warm air close to your body and provides better insulation.
- Cover exposed skin: Use scarves, hats, and gloves to protect your skin from frostbite.
- Limit outdoor exposure: Minimize time spent outdoors during extreme cold, especially if you have a chronic health condition.
- Stay dry: Moisture can accelerate heat loss from your body, so keep your clothing dry.
How to Successfully Manage Chronic Disease in Extremely Cold Weather
Having a chronic disease during extremely cold weather can make things even more challenging. Here are some tips to keep you safe:
1. Asthma
Cold air can trigger asthma symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. If you have asthma, be cautious when going outside in extremely cold temperatures. Use a rescue inhaler if needed, but if you have difficulty breathing, seek medical help immediately.
2. Diabetes
Cold weather can affect blood sugar levels, especially for those with diabetes. Monitor your blood sugar closely and avoid keeping insulin in cold temperatures to prevent it from freezing. If you have diabetic neuropathy, be aware of the risk of frostbite due to decreased sensation in your feet.
3. Arthritis
Some people experience increased joint pain in very cold weather. If you have arthritis, consider taking anti-inflammatory medication before outdoor activities and take frequent breaks to warm up if you need to be outside for an extended period.
4. Autoimmune Disease
Raynaud’s phenomenon, which affects blood flow to the extremities, can be exacerbated by cold weather. Limit your
time outdoors, wear extra layers, and use hand warmers to protect against frostbite if you have this condition.
5. Cancer
Cancer patients, especially those undergoing treatment, should be cautious in cold weather due to increased susceptibility to infections. Talk to your oncologist about specific risks and precautions to take during winter.
Cold air can worsen symptoms of COPD. Use a scarf to breathe warmer air if it helps, but if your symptoms are poorly managed, it’s best to stay indoors and ensure you have the necessary supplies and support.
7. Heart Disease
Cold weather can strain the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of heart attacks. Avoid strenuous activities like shoveling snow and consider getting help with outdoor tasks if you have heart disease.
8. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
While the effects of cold weather on IBD are not well understood, prolonged exposure to cold could potentially worsen symptoms. Take precautions to stay warm and comfortable outdoors.
9. Long COVID
People with long COVID should be extra cautious in cold temperatures due to potential respiratory issues. Consider wearing a well-fitted mask in indoor settings with poor ventilation to reduce the risk of infections.
10. Mental Health Conditions
Cold weather can impact mental health, especially for those with seasonal affective disorder or depression. Maintain a routine, get sunlight exposure, and seek help if needed, even in cold weather.
11. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Cold weather can exacerbate pain and weakness in people with MS. Take extra care to avoid slips and falls on ice and consider using mobility aids if necessary.
12. Skin Conditions
Dry, cold weather can worsen symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. Keep your skin moisturized, follow your treatment plan, and cover up when going outside to protect your skin.
By taking these precautions and staying mindful of your body’s signals, you can successfully manage your chronic disease in extremely cold weather. Stay safe and warm!