health care for underserved.
By Sylvia Dunnavant Hines
Texas Metro News
According to current statistics, one out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. The one statistic that we don’t know is how many people will support them and stand by their side during their traumatic journey.
One person who stood by his girlfriend during her bout with breast cancer was Peter Goodwin, the owner of Circle Gx, an internet service provider. Goodwin said, “I am familiar with all aspects of dealing with breast cancer, including the pain associated with dealing with something that could be a life-threatening illness. There are so many things that go along with supporting someone who is going through this illness including the loss of hair and what it takes for a young woman to face this challenge head on.”
Although people will boldly wear pink during the month of October in support of breast cancer, this disease continues to make an impact all year long. Breast cancer affects more women than any other type of cancer and is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. According to the American Cancer Society, the mortality rate for Black women diagnosed with breast cancer is 42% higher than the comparable rate for White women.
“My significant other was in very good shape when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After her diagnosis, we began to change our focus to what could have caused this disease. We then started to look at what we were eating and tried to make healthier choices such as organic meats and vegetables,” said Goodwin, whose company is committed to making a difference in rural and inner-city community access to 5G technology.
Goodwin recalled that he and his girlfriend were at a premier steakhouse in Dallas; however, the waiter could not tell him if the beef they were eating was organic. For him, this became a wakeup call to pay closer attention to the food that he was eating. He also realized that paying more money for food did not mean it was healthier.
In 2014, Goodwin was one of 50 entrepreneurs who were selected to participate in the Dell Founder’s 50. The Founders 50 is a program focused on key areas of growth for the member companies. In this program, Dell leverages its best practices to help these startup organizations. They are backed with the power of one of the world’s largest technology companies.
Circle Gx is a next generation wireless internet service provider, offering cloud-based architecture via a virtualized platform built for immediate service delivery.
“Our Vision is to close the digital divide. We have realized the importance of next generation technology and Infer structure. We call it the democratization of technology. There is an opportunity for us to deliver infrastructure to communities that are underserved. To provide what we call in technology ‘a greenfield network,’ which would allow us to lower the cost for access to broadband bundles and provide a very high-quality service at the same time,” said Goodwin.
Goodwin added that one of the main things that he has grown to realize is the interaction of consumer spending power. “Most of our consumers are spending 70 percent of their income just to survive. It is our goal to have the dollar circulate more than 12 times to help reduce the cost of services. We want to make a place where people want to invest and, therefore, make service more affordable to communities that need it.”
According to Goodwin, In the future, 5G will have an even greater impact.
In China, A 72-year-old Chinese woman successfully underwent breast cancer surgery conducted remotely by doctors using 5G technology. Reports say this is the first case of remote breast cancer surgery using 5G and Mixed Reality (MR) technology in China.
“The impact 5G will have on underserve communities will be astounding,” Goodwin concluded.
This October, Goodwin is paying it forward by sponsoring the 20th Sister to Sister Fitness Festival, which will be held at the Alan E. Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center on October 2 at 8:30 am. You can register for the event at www.celebratinglife.org.