By Marva Sneed
Tyrese Maxey First Tyrese Maxey Foundation Marvel Family Movie Night
Credit: Marva SneedThe Maxey Family at the Maxey Foundation Marvel Family Movie Night
Credit: Marva Sneed
The Tyrese Maxey Foundation hosted Marvel Family Movie Night, Saturday, to unite the local youth of Garland. IN addition to meeting Mr. Maxey, attendees also saw the new Marvel movie “The Ten Rings.” Also, in attendance was Monique Bracey-Huff, Dallas County Family Violence Judge
Candidate; Shane Hefner, CEO of Black Business Directory; and Phenixx Marketing Media, the creators of the event. Before the movie got started Tyrese asked a couple of trivia questions about the Marvel movies, he has much love for. The winner took home the Marvel T-Shirt he was wearing.
For more information on the Tyrese Maxey Foundation visit the website: