By Jahaura Michelle

The new administration at the White House means several changes to educational policies across the country. Consequently, this beat will always remain interesting in Texas.
There may not be a Presidential election this year, but the impact of the one that just passed will course through the coming months. And isn’t that the most exciting thing to know as a journalist?
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The 89th Texas Legislative Session is about to begin on Jan. 14, with Democrats and Republicans prioritizing education differently. With a Republican House and Senate, party leaders will have sway in the upcoming 140-day session. Lawmakers have already filed thousands of bills, and school vouchers remain a top contention in education. The law that removed diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offices from campuses continues to create a buzz.
In governance, discussions on property taxes, abortion, immigration, criminal justice, health, and guns are imminent. There will be overlaps too. For example, Republican House members have filed versions of a bill that aims to stop providing in-state tuition to particular undocumented students in Texas.
This is no time to be apolitical. As they say…the state of being apolitical today is a political act in itself.
As a reader, do stay tuned! And as a journalist, I will do the same.
The year ahead fills me with renewed enthusiasm and of course, optimism.
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