In just a few days, the world will learn who we really are in America. All voters will have a say whether they use their vote or not. If you don’t vote, you’re helping to make the wrong decision. Whether we vote or not, we’ve seen and heard the best of who we are. Sadly, we’ve also seen and heard the worst of some.
For young people who are eligible to vote for the first time, I caution you to pay attention to the candidates. Listen to what they’re saying. Check their background to see what they’ve done to make our country better for all, not just for themselves at the expense of people in need.
All candidates are on trial, and we, the voters, determine who is telling the truth, who is respectful, who has no problem pledging to work for us instead of for ruthless leaders like Russia’s and North Korea’s, and “them that’s already got and already mistreating their citizens.” Yes, we, the American people, are on trial.
At the presidential level, we know Donald Trump has already shown his intentions. Some of his former staff, supporters and party members have told us who he is. They’ve told us he disrespects our military and wants to use them not for the American people but against them. They tell us he admires the ruthless Hitler — a known killer of millions of innocent people. He longs for an army like Hitler’s. He calls people against him “vermin” and plans to imprison them. Maybe he means us! He wants to mass-deport innocent people who came to America seeking a better life. He’s shown us what he would do to those of us who are children of ancestors violently uprooted from their lives and families in Africa and brought to this country. We know he’s limited us to “Black jobs,” no matter how educated or successful some of us have become against great odds.
Yes, we are all on trial no matter who we are. In the presidential race, Trump’s key competitor is Vice President Kamala Harris. He has called her every name that’s more fitting of him. He is a multiple-time convicted criminal. Vice President Harris, on the other hand, has vast experience prosecuting people like Trump. She is highly educated, a great speaker who shares her plans to make our lives better. She tells the truth. She brings plans to improve our health care, not to destroy existing health plans with just a concept, but real plans. She brings joy when she appears and doesn’t just criticize people who need help. She offers plans to save women’s lives by bringing back Roe v. Wade rights, jobs for all, funds to help new parents, money to help first-time homebuyers and more benefits our country can afford.
People come to her rallies, which have grown as she campaigns, to urge her on without hateful, fearful language. Thus far, she’s bringing out up to 30,000 people in person and millions online to cheer her on for showing how we can turn the page from the old hateful, jealous, lying, racist, sexist, anti-migrant, anti-DEI behavior. She has a background of success and fairness — exactly what we need to protect our democracy!
Just a few days before the election, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times are showing their fear of what Trump has promised — shutting down press that’s against him! Let’s show them we are not afraid. Vote from now to Nov. 5. Show them what courage is!
Williams is president of The Dick Gregory Society (www.thedickgregorysociety.org).