By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.
Publisher The Westside Gazette
Sending the police to a Black person’s home is never a good idea even with the best intentions. We have read stories of family calling police for help with a family member, only for the help to turn into a home-going service.
Sonya Massey is the latest high profile case where two deputies responded to her home because she was concerned about a prowler and she ended up with a shot to the face that killed her. These sort of stories have Black people fearful of calling the police for help and wringing their nervous hands when the police show up to their doors unannounced.
Kandice Witherspoon felt this same anxiety when the police banged on the door she shares with her husband, Jimmy Witherspoon, a well-known and extremely active Brace Advisor at Dillard High School.
Earlier that day, Jimmy Witherspoon attended a virtual meeting as a steward for the Education Support Professionals (ESPs). ESPs are not teachers, but they support the work of teachers and administrators in Broward Schools. ESPs are represented by President Anna Fusco of the Broward Teachers Union.
Recently, Witherspoon has been very vocal about Fusco not supporting ESPs with the same zealousness as she does teachers. Fusco negotiated a hefty raise for teachers last year and largely ignored ESPs. Witherspoon has used his social media platforms and connections to inform others about the disparities and he openly calls for Fusco to be removed as president.
Fusco is not happy with Witherspoon and during a meeting on last Thursday night, Fusco ordered Witherspoon removed from the meeting. She further went from Anna to a “Karen” by calling the police and reporting that Witherspoon threatened her. The police showed up to Witherspoon’s home after 11 PM at night and it was a traumatic encounter for Witherspoon and his wife, luckily their son was asleep in his room.
With all of the threats and insults that Fusco recklessly wields at Board members, district staff and anyone else who stands in her way, who would ever think she would weaponize White woman tears and call the police on a Brother? She did.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, it did. The next morning, Witherspoon was contacted by his principal, Mr. Alfred L. Broomfield, and told that per the superintendent, he was under investigation for the incident and should not report to work. Witherspoon did some detective work of his own and found out that Howard Hepburn was out of the country and reportedly knew nothing about the incident or an investigation. The Dillard High School principal appeared to have misrepresented the truth.
Now the questions begin to circulate. Who told him to contact Witherspoon with the lie. Was it Fusco in a Karen behavior or some close friend who was on the call that requested that Witherspoon be blocked out on the call? Is the new principal of the school being controlled by a seasoned Fusco? Witherspoon reports that he later got a call and an apology from the acting Chief of Safety, Ernie Lozano. Is Lozano also in the pocket of Fusco? Lozano stated it was a big misunderstanding and Witherspoon was not under investigation and was fully able to report to work. However, this misunderstanding caused Witherspoon to be taken from the campus of Dillard High by ambulance to the hospital suffering from some psychological trauma.
Inquiring minds want to know. Who told the principal to call Witherspoon? Who will be held accountable? Will the principal be placed under investigation so that Witherspoon and his family gets some answers or will it all just be swept under the rug as a misunderstanding. One of the district’s most active volunteers, Nathalie Lynch Walsh being dragged through a bullying investigation because she advocates for the underdog and equity. Someone needs to be placed under investigation for this.
Anna Fusco has run this district for the last seven or so years. Runcie. Cartwright. Licata and now Hepburn.
It is seemingly so that when Board members are endorsed by and given campaign donations by Fusco and her union, they remain quiet and allow Fusco to abuse her power. Fusco not only endorses these Board members and provides campaigns donations, she also brings her military of teachers to the polls to work their campaigns for free. This would all be ok if Board members didn’t get elected and then violate the public and their employees’ rights and trust by acting as if they are taking orders from Fusco.
I am told that Fusco has changed bylaws to make it virtually impossible to remove her as BTU and ESP president. Ron DeSantis may have given a DeSanta gift with the law that puts the unions in danger of decertification when their membership falls below 60 percent. This may be the way to remove Fusco or bring some healthy competition similar to the way charters have with public schools.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Unwrap it and use it.