By Vincent L. Hall

While America’s “impending demise” is being “Trumped” by a loudmouthed, government-subsidized billionaire and his buffoonish behavior, this election cycle is more important than most. In fact, there are three objectives that Democrats must consider when casting their vote.
We need Kamala and Tim, control of the House and Senate, and removal or reform of the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are corrupt outliers, but when only nine votes are cast, two make a lot of difference. American history is full of examples of how SCOTUS saved the day. It outlawed slavery and mandated the right to vote for Negroes and women. How much worse would global warming be without SCOTUS intervening in several land- mark environmental cases.
But Uncle Thom(as) and Alito are not the first iteration of wrongheaded jurists to sit on the highest court in the land. Several now-deceased former Supreme Court Justices ruled on pivotal human rights and civil rights cases through the lens of their personal bias and to the delight of the status quo.
The United States Constitution was created by rich White men for rich White men, and the rest of America has the Supreme Court as our only salvation. But ain’t no help to be found in the courts these days.
There have been some good and some bad decisions handed down through the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court. Here are just a few to remind you how significant this court is and has been.
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 (7-2 decision) Chief Justice Taney – Denied citizenship to enslaved African Americans.
Prigg v. Pennsylvania 1842 (6-3 decision) Chief Justice Roger Taney – Reversed the lower court decision to convict slave catcher Edward Prigg who violated the Fugitive Slave Act
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 (7-1 decision) Chief Justice Melville Fuller – Upheld “separate but equal” segregation laws. “A Negro has no right that the White man is bound to respect.”
Powell v. Alabama, 1932 (7-2 decision) Chief Justice Charles E Hughes – Reversed the wrongful conviction of nine Black men (The Scottsboro Boys) sentenced to death for an allegation of rape that was recanted by one of their accusers.
Korematsu v. United States, 1944 (6-3 decision) Chief Justice Harlan F Stone – Upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, regardless of their citizenship status.
Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 (9-0 decision) Chief Justice Earl Warren – Separating black and white students in public schools is unconstitutional.
Hernandez v Texas 1954 (9-0 decision) Chief Justice Earl Warren – Mexican Americans and all other racial groups in the United States must be afforded equal protection under the 14th Amendment.
Miranda v. Arizona, 1966 (5-4 decision) Chief Justice Earl Warren – Prisoners must be advised of their rights before being questioned by police.
Loving v. Virginia, 1967 (9-0 decision) Chief Justice Earl Warren – Invalidated state laws that prohibited interracial marriage.
Roe v. Wade, 1973 (7-2 decision) Chief Justice Warren E. Burger – Women have a constitutional right to an abortion during the first two trimesters.
Bush V. Gore 2000 (5-4 decision) Chief Justice William Rehnquist – Decided a presidency in which the popular vote was essentially tied. And let’s remember the latest show of power from the Trump-sponsored court.
Dobbs v. Jackson (6-3 decision) Justice Samuel Alito – Decided abortion is neither a constitutional right mentioned in the Constitution, nor a fundamental right implied by the concept of ordered liberty that comes from Palko v. Connecticut.
This short list doesn’t include travesties like Citizens United v. FEC or the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013. This nation needs a commander-in-chief, a congress, and a court that respects the rights of all Americans and not just the modern-day wealthy White male land- owners. Cotton ain’t King and the time-stamped laws of the 18th-century don’t fit us now.
President Joe Biden recently floated the idea of making significant changes in the term limits, size, and ethical standards imposed on the high court. Amazingly, the crowd that believed Joe was too old believes that federal and Supreme Court justices should sit for life.
Our three tiers of government are in disarray, but none more so than these out- of-control justices who court billionaires and hold high the flags of racists and anarchists! Y’all better Quit Playin’ and vote because right now its SCOTUS v. We the People and SCOTUS is winning 6-3!
A long-time Texas Metro News columnist, Dallas native Vincent L. Hall is an author, writer, award-winning writer, and a lifelong Drapetomaniac.