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OUR VOICES: Race: Stronger Than Criminal Convictions & Indictments

By Dr. John E. Warren

Why is it that when one hears the political polls, projections, and discussions about who is ahead in the coming Presidential Election, there is no discussion about Donald Trump’s fitness to hold office as President of the United States? There is little or no discussion about his 34 felony convictions, and 100 plus criminal indictments and pending trials. Why is there so much discussion and concern about Vice President Kamala Harris’s background while ignoring the fact that she was not only a prosecutor in San Francisco, sending criminals to jail, but also the first Black woman Attorney General, for the largest state in the union as well as an elected U.S. Senator from that state?

How does an ultra-conservative section of this nation support Trump the criminal while attempting to degrade a U.S. Senator, former State Attorney General, and District Attorney as well as Vice President of the United States? The unspoken elephant in the room is racism, plain and simple. Donald Trump represents “The Great White Hope” at a time when there is more concern about the growing numbers of people of color than the actual issues confronting America. 

Racism says, “We don’t really care about the issues. We don’t really care about saving democracy if it it’s not for a “White” America in charge of everything. We don’t really care that over 1 million people died of Covid-19 under Trump’s Presidency and that only under Biden did we get relief both medically and economically. This is the belief system of the Republican Party with enough intellect to embrace a “Project 2025” agenda with full knowledge of its attack on our Constitution and all that it stands for.

We the people must keep the debate focused on policy issues and who can best serve America going forward with a proven track record. Clearly, that person is not Donald Trump who should be headed for an orange jumpsuit instead of the White House. Let’s not let the mainstream media, with questions and comments designed to boost their ratings rather than give Americans a real examination of the issues, direct the people involved in this coming election at all levels and especially the Presidency.      

Dr. John E. Warren is publisher of The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint.

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