By Sydney LaCour

Freshman 15, pulling all-nighters, peer pressure, living away from home, expensive textbooks: all things the average college student has on their mind. Is it even worth it? I think so.
Excluding the students who 100% need their certification to get into their career field, (such as medical, law, or engineering), there has always been debate around whether getting a college education or degree is even worth it.
I think that it is a reasonable question to pose. More recently now than ever, individuals are obtaining success through things like small businesses or social media, without a college degree.
College is expensive, and unfortunately, many people don’t see the value of going.
It’s a privilege. If you are able to go, I think you should take the opportunity.
College is a place to learn and grow. There are so many academic opportunities, like taking different classes that weren’t offered at high school or learning from qualified professors who know their topics like the back of their hands. There are also outlets to grow as a person.
Meeting and collaborating with different types of people, may it be different backgrounds, walks of life, appearances, or personalities, really does shape a person and expand their opinions and values.
Going off college is a confusing and weird time in a person’s life. You’re too young to drink, but you’re old enough to vote. You go from having classes with 14-year-old kids to sharing spaces with 22-year-old adults. Going to a university gives students the opportunity to mature in a controlled environment, which is beneficial developmentally.
Though there is anxiety and uncertainty for my near future ever present within me, I know that these next four years will be sure to provide me with great memories, new information and invaluable experiences.
Sydney LaCour is an intern at Texas Metro News and an incoming freshman at the University of Missouri, majoring in Journalism. She strives daily to be an empathetic, understanding, and passionate person. Additionally, she has a passion for music and enjoys reading a good book.