Convicted felon and serial super-criminal Donald John Trump made one thing clear last week. Black Lives don’t Matter, and that goes for “Black jobs” too.
Donald Trump is the Grand Wizard of 21st-century American racism and the Commander-in-Chief of the Crackerocracy! His lie-laced performance at the latest debate further proved it.
But what is it that he has against “The Blacks?”
If you go back to a fiery speech he delivered at the National Archives in 2020, two months before Joe Biden whipped his ass up one side and down the other, Trump had no qualms labeling BLM an “enemy to the state.”
He called both BLM and the 1619 Project “toxic propaganda.” Trump was adamant in his disdain for both organizations and other so-called “left-wing whack jobs.”
“We are here today to declare that we will never submit to tyranny,” Trump said. “We will reclaim our history, and our country, for citizens of every race, color, religion and creed.” (You can strike the last six words, that was another lie!)
Fast forward almost four years to the day, and Trump is feigning support for the same “Blacks” who he castigated for protesting the open-air videotaped execution of George Perry Floyd. Mr. Floyd didn’t have one of those “Black jobs.” But even if he did, his possession of a counterfeit $20 bill was not justification for his murder.
Trump often muses about “the Blacks.” At some rallies he even points to “his Blacks.” However, his objectification of Black people as a commodity finally surfaced as he stood toe-to-toe with Joe Biden in a debate hosted by CNN, aka “Casting Nothing for Negroes.” (Stay tuned for a future story.)
Here is how Politico framed Trump’s blatant ignorance under the headline, “Trump’s debate references to ‘Black jobs’ and ‘Hispanic jobs’ stir Democratic anger!

“The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border. They’re taking Black jobs now,” Trump said during the debate on CNN. “They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history,” he warned without specifying the danger.
About four in 10 Black adults say it’s a “major risk” that the number of jobs available to American workers will be reduced when immigrants come to the U.S. — whether they arrive legally or illegally.
But the poll also found that about three in 10 Black adults think it’s a major benefit that immigrants will take jobs that Americans don’t want.”
The Pew Research Center has a slew of statistics that rate national opinions of migrant workers and their overall effect on the economy. They show that the “taking of jobs” is more fantasy than fact. Here is an interesting dataset from the Pew publication earlier this year.
“Hispanics (88%) are most likely to say undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens do not want, with more Hispanic immigrants than U.S.-born Hispanics saying so (94% vs. 82%). By comparison, similar shares of white (75%) and black (71%) adults say the same.
About three-quarters of adults (77%) say undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens do not want, while 21% say undocumented immigrants fill jobs U.S. citizens would like to have, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted April 29 to May 5.”
Trump believes that “Black jobs” are low-skilled, menial, and low-paying. Trump’s racially-tinged “revelation” drew an immediate response from Black people on social media and in social circles.
“Citizen Trump,” who, as former presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton observed, is the only genius billionaire ever to drive a casino into bankruptcy, resisted Black jobs as a business practice.
In an August 2015 Mother Jones article, Kip Jones, a former Trump casino employee gave us fair warning of how deep-seeded Trump’s hatred of Black people is.
“Brown also used to work in the casinos, at the Showboat, bussing tables, and at Trump’s Castle, stripping and waxing floors. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the Black people off the floor,” he said. “It was the eighties. I was a teenager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”
And that’s just what happened when Trump referred to Black jobs last week. He put us all in the back…again!
Black jobs and Black lives don’t matter to Trump.
A long-time Texas Metro News columnist, Dallas native Vincent L. Hall is an author, writer, award-winning writer, and a lifelong Drapetomaniac.