By Frances Y. Spencer
The Drum Contributing Writer
BATON ROUGE, La.—The world was recently introduced to the Baton Rouge area’s newest television star. He’s been involved in some hot, steamy scenes and then created quite a stir. Brandon “Chef B” Williams has expanded his brand to the Food Network after his debut appearance on “Supermarket Stakeout: Greeks, Sweets, Open-face Eats.”
The popular cable channel, formed in 1993, has been the backdrop to stardom for cooking legends Bobby Flay, Guy Fieri, and Paula Deen so, when talent scouts came sniffing for the talented Baton Rouge native, he had one idea: this must be a joke.
A Food Network casting agent sent a direct message to Williams and he avoided the inquiry like a piece of gas station sushi. “They first reached out to me at the beginning of March of last year,” Williams said. “I didn’t respond until the end of April, because I really didn’t believe it was them, right?”