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STANTON ON THE SCENE: Pride in Bloom: A Celebration of Inclusion and Acceptance

By VirLinda Stanton

Gary Sanchez
Gary Sanchez

The Pride in Bloom festival, held at the Dallas Arboretum, is a vibrant celebration of the city’s LGBTQ+ community. As the sun shines down on the vibrant colors and lively atmosphere, we sat down with Gary Sanchez, a member of the Pride in Bloom Planning Committee, to discuss his thoughts on building a more loving and accepting world.

VirLinda: Gary, what would you like to share with the world about how we can be more loving and accepting of everyone?

Gary Sanchez: Thank you for having me! I’m thrilled to be here celebrating Pride in Bloom. I believe that Dallas is a welcoming and inclusive community, and it’s events like this that showcase our city’s diversity. With the support of our city leaders, we’re able to demonstrate how Dallas is truly a place where everyone can feel welcome and accepted. It’s all about embracing our differences and celebrating our unique identities.

VirLinda: That’s wonderful to hear. What’s next for the LGBTQ+ community in Dallas?

Christie Eckler
Christie Eckler, catching up on some reading and a nap at Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.

Gary Sanchez: We have a few exciting events coming up. Next weekend is Dallas Southern Pride, which ties in with the celebration of Black culture and identity “Juneteenth.” We also have Juneteenth Opal Lee’s “Walk for Freedom” at Fair Park on June 19th, followed by the “Dallas Arts District Pride Walk Party” on June 21st. And to wrap up the month, we’ll be hosting another celebration in Oak Lawn on June 27th.

VirLinda: You’re involved with several organizations, including as the Senior Director of Community Impact Equity and Public Affairs at Dallas, the North Texas LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, and Twenty Four Hour Dallas. You also served as Co-Chair of the Dallas Mayor’s “Anti Hate Advisory Council. Can you tell us more about your work with these organizations?

Gary Sanchez: Yes, I’m proud to be involved with these organizations that work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society. As President of Twenty Four Hour Dallas, I’m dedicated to advocating for safe and inclusive nightlife in Dallas. And as Chair of the Foundation, I’m committed to supporting initiatives that promote social justice and equality.

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VirLinda: Your dedication to these causes is truly inspiring. As we wrap up this interview, what message would you like to share with our readers?

Gary Sanchez: Thank you for having me! I just want to say that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and loved for who they are. Let’s continue to shine our light and create a world where everyone can live their truth without fear or prejudice.

VirLinda: Thank you, Gary, for sharing your inspiring words with us today. Continue to let your light shine.


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