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Heroes House celebrates decade serving veterans

In 2014, Heroes House opened with the Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson giving the keynote address. It was a festive occasion as elected officials, veterans, community organizers and agencies supporting businessman Gary Hasty and Attorney Ed Spears’ efforts to help a segment of the population in need of support.

In 2014, Heroes House opened with the Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson giving the keynote address. It was a festive occasion as elected officials, veterans, community organizers and agencies supporting businessman Gary Hasty and Attorney Ed Spears’ efforts to help a segment of the population in need of support.

Since Heroes House opened in East Dallas, the property has been a haven for homeless veterans who receive more than housing. Throughout the year, veterans have been provided with services and access to elected officials and governmental agencies committed to assisting.

Additionally, for Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Veteran’s Day, Heroes House is the gathering place for food and fellowship with many of the same supporters showing up.

This year, Hasty recognized several of the elected officials for their support (Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, Dallas County Commissioner Theresa Daniel, Dallas City Councilman Adam Bazaldua, DeSoto City Councilwoman Crystal Chism, and Judge Cheryl Williams), and also provided gifts to two of the first tenants who are still living in Heroes House today.

Councilwoman Chism shared a heartwarming message about her tour of duty and she was lauded for her service.

Also, a special exhibit paid tribute to staunch supporter Congresswoman Johnson, who died in December, but was a regular at Heroes House.

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