Free, monthly service is open to the public and any North Texas community member in need of nutritional support; UNT Dallas’ 2024 events have provided over 63,000 lbs. of food to approximately 4,000 people
ANNCR: Inflation, rising gas prices, and grocery store closures continue to exasperate food insecurity not only in Southern Dallas but throughout North Texas. But The University of North Texas at Dallas (UNT Dallas) and the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) are offering support as they host their monthly mobile food pantry on campus Friday (April 19) from 9 a.m. to noon (or until the food runs out).
This year more than 63,000 pounds of food have been distributed to more than 4,000 people, a glaring indication of the ongoing need. In fact, according to NTFB, one out of every six children in North Texas is food insecure.
The UNT Dallas mobile food pantry program started more than four years ago and has continued monthly to help students and the community. In 2023, tens of thousands of individuals and families were served and hundreds of thousands of pounds of food were distributed.
Participants will complete a simple intake form while remaining inside their cars. Volunteers will then load a box of food into each person’s trunk.The next mobile food pantry will be held on May 17 and will continue monthly through the end of the year.
The UNT Dallas campus is located in southern Dallas at 7300 University Hills Blvd., Dallas, TX 75241. For more information, go to