By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher
From –
Reprinted – by Texas Metro News

While the month of March has been set aside as Women’s History Month, we should be saluting and remembering Black women in particular who bore the burden of racism and humiliation that went with being seen as chattel when other women were still seen as women, even without the recognition of citizenship. The real cause for the celebration of Black women in particular is that they still rose to raise children and much of the time as single parents because of racism so often removing the father from the home by design. So often these Black mothers spent their best hours each day taking care of other people’s children and families, at the expense of their own.
Their lives were often a reflection of Langston Hughes statement: “life ain’t been no crystal stairs” for most. But like Maya Angelo wrote, these Black women could say “but still I rise.”
The women that we acknowledge in this issue are but a small sample of so many who have done so much. We were among the Daughters of the American Revolution before they decided that they didn’t want Marian Anderson to sing at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. because of her color, yet Thomas Jefferson had Sally Hemmings in his bloodline. From slavery to the United States Senate and the Vice Presidency of the United States; from parent and educator to the California Secretary of State as well as C. Delores Tucker becoming the first Black Secretary of State of the State of Pennsylvania, to Scientists, Doctors, Astronauts and United States Ambassador to the United Nations, to now allowing every Black girl to realize that she too can rise and become a woman of substance, if she chooses to do so.
Yes, Women’s History Month, for many, is limited to the Month of March. But our recognition of Black women must be ongoing as well as reflective of those who paved the way to a future yet to be fully realized.
Black Women, we remember your struggles. We love your strength and beauty. We lift you up as the true beacon of all we hope to be as “still you rise”.