By Bobby E Mills, PhD
The Victimizers came from European nation-states and victimized Indigenous Native Northern Americans. They could not enslave Native American Tribes. Thus, Whites went to Africa captured and brought Africans to America for slave labor, and now they have the unmitigated gall to claim victimization. America, we must spiritually and Godly attempt to understand who these confused individuals really are, because it is satanic thinking. e individuals who wrote e Preamble and the U. S. Constitution were of British descent. They not only understood oppression, but they were oppressors all over the world. However, to their credit they wrote two almost perfect governing documents, the Preamble to the Constitution and the Constitution itself. Yet, they could not, and have not lived up to the spiritual tenets, and moral laws of such magnificent documents.
In fact, they set a bad example for others by owning slaves. Now the sons and daughters of slave owners are claiming victimization in opposition to the document that their ancestors and forefathers wrote. What a shame, that in the most successful nation-state economically and militarily the historic Racial Victimizers in the 21st century is now claiming to be the victims. Whites are not victimized by Blacks and other permanent-tan minorities. Whites are only victimized by their lack of God conscience, themselves, and each other. Sadly, most Whites do not understand that God is about inclusion, and He is no respecter of person, so saith John the Revelator: “ Thou art worthy, O’ Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4: 11).
The question is what historically has happened to ip the racial discrimination script. America, a word to the wise should be su cient: stop attempting to play God, and stay in your lane, because: “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:” (1 John 1: 6). Christian Right Evangelicals, e GOP, White Nationalists, and Fox “FAKE” News cease playing the victimization role, because you were, and you still are Victimizers. Institutional racism and racial dehumanization are alive and well, and you are the Power Brokers of the past that America is attempting to overcome spiritually and economically. Unfortunately, in 2016, (73+) million Americans fell prey to the wilds of the devil in Donald J. Trump, and e Apostle Timothy spiritually warned us concerning men such as Trump: “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be a partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.” (1 Timothy 5: 22). America, it’s only a spiritual TEST, (73+) million Americans failed the spiritual test.