By Bobby E Mills, PhD

America’s political crisis and the high level of anxiety about the future is grounded in institutional racism. is is precisely why our democratic institutional structures are being knee-capped by desires for White Privilege Autocratic Values. is is why the issue of abortion has become a racist camouflageage cloak issue. Hence, let’s get real about America’s future, and the new multi-cultural frontier facing us as a democratic multi-cultural nation-state. Institutional racism in a democratic multi-cultural society has always been a recipe for autocratic White Privilege Anarchy. No doubt about it, the basis for the devilish stronghold that exist in the GOP is institutional racism, because the GOP has been transformed into the Dixiecrat Confederacy Party of the ole South.
Presidential candidate, Nikki Haley’s refusal to say that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War is absolute proof that racism drives public policy and cultural image in the GOP. Hence, unless an individual has empathy for exclusion you cannot get elected as a public servant official in the Not So Grand Ole Party (GOP). A devilish and racist stronghold exist in the spiritual mindset and character of the GOP. Initially, and historically most Blacks were socialized as President Lincoln Republicans, because: “no nation divided against itself can stand”. However,
with the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016 the notion of America as a White nation became openly popularized in the slogan, “Make America Great Again”. Which, in turn, is a subliminal message of “Make America White Again”. Of course, America was never a White nation, because Native American tribes were inhabitants of the land. America, you cannot discover land that is occupied. Unless the ungodly intent is to declare the occupants as non-humans, because of their skin-tone. Thereby, commit genocide against them, and they did. Just a reminder it’s not about skin. It’s about sin!
If America is to survive as a multicultural democratic society, we must invariably pull down the divisive walls of institutional racism and acknowledge that: “ The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9: 9). America must learn to utilize all its resources both human and non-human to remain as a great nation and become greater. America, wicked nations that refuse to acknowledge God’s Will, shall be judged by God, because: “The Lord is known by the judgement which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands… e wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God.” (Psalm 9: 16-17). America, let’s get real, racism is a spiritual and moral recipe for a failed nationstate. Welfare is an example of nation state failure.