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Budget-Friendly Tips To Go From Summer Slay To Fall Fabulous


By Raven Sinéad

I just love a cute summer fit with painted toes in comfy slides. But as the weather changes and the season goes from summer to fall, it’s time for our wardrobes to follow suit (which can be both fun and frustrating). The good news is you won’t have to push all of your summer favs to the back of your closet to make room for new gear. We’ve got tips for a smooth transition into fall, even if your budget is as tight as fresh braids in a ponytail. Let’s do it. 

Wardrobe Roll-Call

First things first, know what you have. Look at every summer item you own, from sundresses to tank tops, lay them out, and identify which pieces will make the cut for fall.

Not only will this help declutter your closet, but you’ve now given yourself a colorful array of memories and style choices waiting to be remixed for the new season. 

Stay Up On The Sales

One of the most budget-friendly ways to take your wardrobe from picnic to pumpkin weather is to keep an eye out for sales. As retailers make room for new inventory, they often offer discounts on items that bridge the seasonal gaps.

Look for those versatile pieces like vests and cardigans for countless mix-and-match possibilities. Holiday and out-of-season sales usually bring on massive discounts too. It’s the perfect time to snag bargains without compromising style. 

Thrift Like You Mean It

You don’t have to wait for sales to get good deals year-round. Sustainable fashion is both budget and environment-friendly. Thrift stores are full of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered, and they are especially a godsend for parents of young children who love to rip and run and could care less about expensive fabrics. Plus, there’s no sense in breaking the bank when they’ll outgrow it anyway.

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You can find stylish, timeless classics for the whole family if you’re willing to look. I’m talking cozy knitwear, vintage blazers, and quality denim at a fraction of the cost. Not only do these staples add unique character to your wardrobe, but when you choose pre-loved items, it’s a win for your wallet and the planet. 

Add Autumn Accessories

It’s easy to give a summer fit some fall swag with the right accessories. Small details make noticeable differences. Try adding hats and scarves, which can also be styled into beautiful headwraps.

Also, try swapping out your summer handbag for a leather or suede tote that gives your look more of an autumn vibe. Get creative with your

earrings, belts, and other fall accessories, and watch them breathe new life into your wardrobe!

Layer It On

Your favorite summer dress might seem like a one-season wonder, but you can easily extend its life by adding layers like a long-sleeve top underneath or a denim jacket on top.

Those shorts that you love? Pair them with tights or leggings for added warmth. Sandals can be replaced with boots to keep your feet nice and cozy.

Cardigans and lightweight sweaters offer warmth without bulk. Play around with different lengths and silhouettes to create depth and visual interest.

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Make It You 

When transitioning your wardrobe from summer to fall, don’t just hop on trends and swap out fabrics. Take a moment to reflect on your personal style and what you feel most confident in, and incorporate those kinds of pieces. The way you layer, the colors you choose, and the accessories you add should all reflect your distinctive taste.

Your fall fashion doesn’t have to do a number on your nerves or your wallet this year. Try incorporating these ideas into your transformation. You’d be surprised at how much potential is right in your closet.  


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