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OUR VOICES: We are where we’re supposed to be…

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

How often have we asked ourselves, “What have I done to be in such a predicament?” My health is dreadful; my love life is in the shambles and my home is in foreclosure!!!

Not to mention Trump, DeSantis or any of the other self-seeking politicians who have self-induced a toxic atmosphere that is leading this country into an almost non rehabilitating state – it may seem hopeless.

We struggle with our situations and are left with many sleepless nights. Comfort and peace seem to last for fleeting seconds while miseries linger for what seems like eternity.

If it was all up to you, you would not have allowed yourself to be fixed or attached to unpleasant quandaries-now would you?

When unwanted hullabaloos find their way into your life, what do you do? Do you cry, whine, or strike out in angerharm’s way?

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“I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.” 16:33 (CEV)

What is it about human power that causes our soul, body and mind to produce the might and audacity to overcome overwhelming, out of the ordinary circumstances?

It is the very embodiment of our existence; our human spirit. That which has been poured, injected and infused into us through an umbilical cord connected before we were even conceived as a thought.

This is a transformation from the Immaculate Conception.

Through this connection we are never too far from the Source that will give peace to any disquieting condition.

Where do we begin? “Let not your heart be troubled”; there comes a time when you have to surrender, you have to let go and let God take control.

Acceptance – As a noun: the psychological mind-set that something is authentic and should be understood as factual;

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Accept that you are incapable of creating the tiniest grain of sand and your control of time is nil; you can’t even stop your own eye from blinking, let alone preventing a thought.

Greet – As a verb: to take in hand or welcome with sentiments of affability.

Welcome each challenge with the faith that it is supposed to be and it will turn out as it should.

Reassurance- As a noun: reinstate self-confidence

Remember that the only thing absolute is death. You may be down but you’re not out and troubles don’t last always.

Eager – As an adjective: Capable of impatient curiosity or forceful aspiration or intolerant expectation

“Be careful (Eager) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

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Enjoy – As a verb: Take pleasure in

Whatever your lot in life is, find the meaning of it and embrace it for the goodness that comes from being and having faith that, that is the will of God..

“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;” Hebrews 11:25 (KJV)

Find peace and rest comfortably in the essence of your existence, the will of God.

“Then hear thou from the heavens their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.” 2 Chronicles 6:35

Here is where I’m supposed to be, cause where ever it is, God will take care of

Bobby R. Henry Sr. is the publisher of the Westside Gazette in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He was the recipient of the National Newspaper Publishers Association's 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award and in 2019 he received the National Association of Black Journalists Angelo Henderson Community Service Award.

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