By Terry Allen
Thank God, for Lucile “Big Mama” Bailey Robinson Allen. Let me remind you again that Big Mama’s wisdom would now make her a TIK TOK, Instagram, Facebook and even Twitter sensation. This latest excerpt from her legendary verbal tome is “You cannot climb a smooth mountain!” .
Texas Metro News (TMN) does not entertain a smooth mountain at all. TMN gives the community at large the diverse narrative of our news and our stories. Check this, what I know.
What is its most used intent : There is a saying that a smooth mountain cannot be climbed. The smooth, shiny surface of a rock mountain makes it impossible for you to climb upward if you cannot grab anything that gives you a handhold or foothold.
Even more so, I had the best experience of being in the room several times with Zig Ziglar, who used the statement : “You Can’t Climb a Smooth Mountain.” I am certain he had talked with Big Mama before I met him, since my connection to him came through her imprint on my life.
What else does it mean?
Big Mama wanted me to know that all those rough patches in your life and the bad, weakened times were actually opportunities for going “onward and upward.”
That message resonated in Big Mama’s love, helping those going through a rough time, yet they lost hope. She told all who would listen that you cannot appreciate the peak of the mountain until you have been in the pit of the valley!
Big Mama is the person who made me intensely, unapologetically self-aware and historically African inspired. She made me see the “value” in the valley and gravitate to the rough side of the mountain over the complacent, smooth mountain base.
Big Mama would always be on that front porch stoop where she delivered to her audience of sons, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren, great great-great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews and deliver her God Moment!
Big Mama expanded her smooth mountain story by saying, “You may not know you are in a smooth mountain movement because you are continually walking around that smooth base of the mountain satisfied but never moving up!”
We don’t want rough patches but I know for sure you cannot see and look over the mountaintop if you have not had experience and undo the initial damage you see right in front and inside of you.
As you work through the process of a community-driven course correction, it is extremely common for you to initially experience an exacerbation of your current trials and tribulations or to even experience hopelessness.
Last week, I told the young men who wanted change to understand a few key steps: a) If you have no spiritual courage, stay on the smooth walk around the base of the mountain, especially if you are afraid of being a game changer or if you think you cannot influence unhealthy status quo. However, understand that the mountaintop will never reach your hands.
If you are ready to move upward, know that the path will not always be smooth. Every dip and gutter you encounter serves a purpose and is an integral part of moving forward.
So, in closing, I ask you to go look for that rough side of the mountain in our world, tackle it and give us a true democracy.
Who has a testimony? Email me at and let me know! We cannot go back to another Jim Crow error or era, at all.
Terry Allen is an NABJ awardwinning Journalist, DEI expert, PR professional and founder of the charity – Vice President at FocusPR, Founder of City Men Cook and Dallas Chapter President of