DeSoto Mayor Rachel L. Proctor was joined by her City Council Colleagues and about 75 eager participants on Monday evening at DeSoto Town Center as the Mayor flipped the switch to light the City’s 2022 holiday tree. Mayor Proctor, somehow, also made it snow with a little mechanical help!
The crowd was especially pleased to see this year’s tree lighting after the original ceremony, initially scheduled for Saturday evening, was postponed. For most gathered, the delay did not dampen their enthusiasm.

“I believe that the wait was well worth it,” declared Mayor Rachel Proctor. “We were able to give our DeSoto Eagles our undivided attention late Saturday and celebrate their uplifting victory over Denton Guyer. And none of the residents who would have been taking part in our canceled parade or postponed tree lighting ceremony would have been out in the driving rain on Saturday. Instead, they only faced a little drizzle on Monday night, saw a beautiful tree lighting ceremony, and even got to play in some ‘magical’ snow right here in North Texas. So, all worked out!”

The event was sponsored by the City of DeSoto and the DeSoto Parks & Recreation Department.
News outlets looking for video & audio footage of tonight’s tree lighting event should feel free to share any or all of the following 3 clips via Box.com: