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Quit Playin: Judge Moyé Deserves Better!

By Vincent L. Hall

Dallas County Commissioner has proposed a resolution that probably won’t be adopted by the full Commissioner’s Court, but it will be widely accepted among those of us who know and respect Judge Eric V. Moyé. When asked if I would allow my opinion space to be used for this use, all I had was two words; “Quit Playin!”

DATE: May 19, 2020 BE IT REMEMBERED, at a regular meeting of Commissioners’ Court of Dallas County, Texas held on the 19th day of May, 2020, on a motion made by John Wiley Price, Commissioner District No.3, and seconded by, the following Resolution was adopted: 

WHEREAS, Dallas County is one of 254 counties in the U.S. state of Texas, and its second-most populous county, and the eighth-most populous in the United States, based on the 2010 U.S. census, the population was 2,368,139; and by the 2020 census ending may exceed 3,000,000 citizens, and.

WHEREAS, Dallas County citizens, like so many others throughout the globe, face the threat of death, infirmities and economic depression by the COVID-19 virus, which has contaminated communities in more than 184 countries, and

WHEREAS Dallas County government has subrogated its rights and to some degree its responsibilities and has complied with the directives of the Governor of the State of Texas without regard to its strictures being suitable or in the best interests of the citizens we were duly elected to serve and protect, and

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WHEREAS Dallas County has made public and sometimes confusing adjustments to alter its course to satisfy the ever-changing orders from Greg Abbott’s office, most significantly to Executive Order 8 (Mitigating COVID -19 Spread) but including all subsequent Executive Orders (9-22) at the time of this writing, and

WHEREAS, Dallas County has seen several politically motivated counteractions to these orders as an attempt to buoy the partisan pleasures of President Donald J. Trump and thereby his Republican acolytes who demand that we “Open up our country” without regard to those persons and communities that live with “pre-existing conditions” and were vulnerable to any outbreak of disease before COVID-19, and

WHEREAS, Dallas County has been posited as “posse and sheriff” of the Governor’s shoddy if not loosely written statutes regulating certain business closures and the administration of punishment to all who violate said order(s), and

WHEREAS, Dallas County did duly and proudly elect one Eric Moyé to the bench of State District Court #14 and has thereby re-elected him successively because of his unblemished reputation as a fair and impartial jurist who intimately knows the law by letter and by spirit, and

WHEREAS, Dallas County residents suffer as the world gazes upon the travesty of justice caused when the Governor of the State of Texas and Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor (who appears to spend an excessive amount of time with his Conservative radio talk show) intervened in a ruling against a media-manufactured cause célèbre, a lawbreaker and owner of Salon à la Mode, located in Dallas County.

Thanks, Commissioner, and a special shout-out to Channel 8’s Dale Hansen. (A Real Brother!)

WHEREAS, Dallas County had its reputation questioned and ridiculed as this staged-circus, was reduced to issues of race and the superiority of Anglos over all other Americans, which was exhibited by the Governor and the Lt. Governor’s reintroduction of Dred Scott v. Sandford which briefed by any reasonable party reads; “a Black man (Moyé) has no rights that a White man (Trump, Abbott, Patrick) are bound to respect!”

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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioners’ Court of Dallas County do hereby and with political consequences and incidental indemnities known, declare that this government, both State and Federal has proven it has no regard for the “rule of law” that it wears as an aegis of its “virtues, “nor the spirit of patriotism for which it holds itself exclusive.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor issue an earnest apology to said judge, whose life is threatened and whose professional record is impugned; post-haste, and that the hundreds of thousands of dollars collected in this firestorm of foolishness be donated to worthy causes and people who are genuinely in need of this State’s intervention.

DONE IN OPEN COURT this the 19th day of May 2020.


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