Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa released the following statement on Donald Trump’s visit tonight to Robstown:
“Texas Republicans think having our disgraced, twice-impeached former president in Robstown tonight is going to help them shore up support for their radical, far-right candidates in South Texas and statewide.
“My community is full of hard-working Latino families who are just fighting for a chance to get ahead – to make a better life for themselves and their loved ones. But the truth is that Republicans don’t actually care about our well-being: they’re just using South Texans to score political points – and the last thing our community needs is a visit from another worthless grifter.
“Inviting the man who has villainized Latinos time and again, locked migrant children in cages, separated families, and fueled racist lies demonstrates just how little Republicans actually think of us. And flying in a politician who’s spent his entire career conning working men and women in order to make himself and his rich cronies even richer shows how out of touch Republicans are with our values.
“Donald Trump is a joke and so is this trip. But Republicans’ endless flow of dark money into our community – and the extremist government they’re trying to buy – is not.
“It’s going to take all of us, working day and night for the next two weeks, to overcome this enormous Republican machine and ensure we send to Austin and Washington leaders who are actually there to fight for our values.”