By Dr. E. Faye Williams
I have always loved and believed in the power of words. In my youth I was amazed at the emotional response to our (so-called) “Negro” leaders. Orators like Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., my friend Dick Gregory, and a myriad of others spoke messages of practical importance, in their day, which now serve to benefit us in the present with enduring relevance.
Words are powerful. I often call them the weapons of the literate. An orator’s understanding of words and the ability to communicate their true, in-depth meaning to the masses has been the origin of many historical events.
Some consider SCOTUS’s over-turning Roe v. Wade as simply an attack on women. Others understand the decision as expressing antipathy for the privacy rights of all.
The often-heard term ‘slippery slope’ clearly describes what this decision has placed us on. We are well beyond an erosion of privacy rights and now face direct assaults upon them.
Economic refugees
The lack of clean water in Jackson, MS, clearly illustrates the antipathy which fuels the disparate funding resources for a majority-minority city.
For years, Jackson has suffered under the specter of failing water infrastructure. There is no justification for a state capital or a city as large as Jackson to operate under a “Boil Water” order since July.
Instead of addressing this problem which will only worsen with age, Jackson has been ignored while the interests of surrounding ‘white’ suburbs have been met with the use of available financial resources.
An egregious demonstration of antipathy is illustrated by the actions of two southern, Republican governors – Abbott of Texas and DeSantis of Florida.
Each has decided to unceremoniously ship “undesirable” economic refugees to northern jurisdictions in what has been described as a major political stunt.
Stunt or not, these actions have been taken with complete disregard for the ultimate welfare of the affected men, women and children. I can only suggest that these two Bible-thumping governors refresh their understanding of the admonition in Matthew 25:40.
Brand of corruption
Even more horrifying is the fact that these two Republican governors have expressed presidential aspirations. Like the last Republican to hold the office, they each wish to bring and infect the nation with their own brand of duplicity, disorder, disruption, and antipathy.
They have accepted the belief that political power and control can best be sustained in a state or country in chaos. At least for the near future, we, the people, have the ability to resist.
For the remainder of our lives and for the future of our children we must reject the hatred which will, if allowed, overwhelm us.
Dr. E. Faye Williams is President of the National Congress of Black Women and host of “Wake Up and Stay Woke” on WPFW-89.3 FM