By Cheryl Smith
I am so excited about the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Las Vegas this week. In addition to excellent programming and a chance to see old friends and colleagues, I will get to see some great people honored.
People wonder why we have an association of Black journalists. They also wonder about Black colleges, Black businesses, Black churches, et. al.
I am not going to defend my right to exist.
I know the importance of the great institutions that were founded for us at a time when there was a great need.
No one should control what we do with our lives and communities, nor our institutions.
It never ceases to amaze me how people will choose no-name institutions or programs before they give Black institutions or programs a look.
Some will make any excuse to avoid going Black.
Guess what, I ain’t hating on them. I say, “do your thing!”
But still I urge everyone to look into the mirror. Show some love.
Seek out Black, like you seek out alternatives.
Believe me there is still a great need.
Which brings me to my truth.
There are some tough times ahead, especially if we spend our time being distracted by forces that don’t have our best interests at heart.
If there was ever a time to keep our eyes on the prize, at this moment in time, we must be ever vigilant; just as those before us were.
Every generation has to choose its weapons and tactics. It should get easier as we go on, because one thing is for sure; the battle continues.
It would help, however, if there was a collaboration between the seasoned and the up and coming.
Instead, it is easier to fight one another than it is to join forces and turn on the real enemy.
It is so easy that the real enemies participate by throwing distractions into the mix, causing us to be so busy fighting one another that we don’t have the energy, inclination or smarts to fight them.
At some point in time, and I would love to see it in my lifetime; we will take all the lessons of the past, the good and bad, and use to our benefit to seize the power we richly deserve.
And then the real work will begin!