The Haitian Times
By Larisa Karr
NEW YORK – What began as a small dream for Jehlan Eustache has turned into a program connecting kids from dozens of schools in New York City and even hundreds of miles away in Haiti through the love of a game: chess.
“Youth are extremely important to the health of our community and it’s been a labor of love, just like a small chess move to change the whole picture,” said Eustache, Founder and CEO of Imagine That. “We’re at 40 schools right now, teaching in inner-city neighborhoods to bridge the divide.”
Through Imagine That, Eustache and his team of three coaches have held chess tournaments not just in dozens of New York City public schools, but have also traveled to Haiti to teach the game to young children. In addition to holding tournaments, Imagine That, whose motto is “proper planning prevents poor performance,” also offers lessons to anyone wishing to learn the game.
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