By The Haitian Times

Dear reader:
This year, The Haitian Times is pleased to present special coverage of Haitian Heritage Month focused on how compatriots are living, surviving and thriving across the globe. Our coverage — Haitians Across Borders — aims to go beyond stories about the plethora of events taking place. We seek to give you a greater sense of our lives as Haitians in various spaces, both physical and digital. A sense driven by regular life, not so much the headlines.
Here’s a look of what you’ll see throughout the month — including arts, sports, personal profiles, tech and “slice of life” stories you’ll only see in The Haitian Times. Each week focuses on a particular location, but you’ll see pieces from other places too at times and, of course, the news.
- Week 1 opens up our coverage with a focus on, where else, Haiti. You’ll see a range of stories about life in Haiti beyond breaking news, including how people there feel about the culture. We’re especially proud to have these stories produced by our newly-minted Haiti Team correspondents based in the homeland!
- Week 2 explores Haitians in the U.S., highlighting the efforts and people seeking to provide leadership at a time where some are clamoring for a “Haitian-led solution” to Haiti’s crises.
- Week 3 brings you stories from Haitians in places other than Haiti and the U.S. We zeroed in on Haitians in Tapachula, Mexico, to give voice to Haitian refugees themselves in the migration debate. Our multimedia reporter Leonardo March actually traveled to Tapachula to connect directly with these compatriots and hear about the migration experience in their own words.
- Week 4 takes a look at Haitians in digital spaces, where our culture is always on full display through social media, forums, virtual get-togethers and so much more online. A series on cryptocurrency and its potential for Haiti, for better or worse, headlines the week’s offerings.
- Finally, we wrap up May with some useful lists and guides as well a few of your letters, comments, experiences and testimonials that have stood out.
We hope you enjoy this coverage and feel as much pride seeing it as we’ve felt putting this package together for you. Despite everything we’ve been through as Haitians, historically and recently, collectively and individually, it’s heartening to see us represented in all these places and spaces.
It travels well, our culture, no matter where we go. Let’s keep taking it far.
Macollvie Neel
Executive Editor
New York
P.S. As always, your ideas and feedback are welcome. Please send them to for consideration.